Our St-Barth Shop
4 rue du général de Gaulle Gustavia, 97133, St. Barthélemy.
From 10AM to 7PM Monday to Saturday

As soon as it starts burning this candles purifies the air and chases bad vibes… Amongst these active plants we find sage with purifying virtues and palo santo ideal to cleanse the environments by expulsing the negative energies all the while attracting the positive ones. Bamboo canalizes the forces of the four elements and reinforces the plant powers of this flame…
Sage, palo santo, bamboo… A few minutes of burn is enough for this Purifying Flame to purify the air and chase away the bad vibes… Refreshing olfactive signature of woody, floral, lightly spicy notes.
Made in France
Product size :
Height – 39 cm
Diameter – 7.5 cm
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Our St-Barth Shop
4 rue du général de Gaulle Gustavia, 97133, St. Barthélemy.
From 10AM to 7PM Monday to Saturday